Slave Trade in Libya & Child Marriage in Africa

Slave Trade in Libya & Child Marriage in Africa

Tingting Wu

Al  Jazeera

For the first day of ZIMUN the Human Rights Commission is discussion resolutions between countries. There are two topics which will be discussed during this Event, Child Marriage in Africa, and slave trade in Lybia. Currently the delegates cannot disclose any information on their discussion until the official ceremony starting tomorrow.

The first issue tomorrow, on child marriage in Africa, will be focused on delegates of the African nations present. The primary focus is on the increase of legal age of marriage in countries with high child marriage rates. Chair Joel Nzisabira states “The solution of the issue can be solved through legal means, one of the main causes of the issue is the fact that internal legislation of some countries allow children to be wed.” He says that “The issue is mainly internal and I will focus on solutions that can be impacted through internal legislation.”

The second issue presented to the committee is the slave trade in Libya and ensuring its cessation. As of right now the large number of refugees in Libya threatens Libya’s economy, and human rights, as they cannot cross into EU nations. “The issue mainly involves Libya, North Africa and the EU” states Chair David C. Uličný, “The best solutions will involve more interaction and cooperation between Libya and other North African countries, and the cooperation of the EU to except refugees.”

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