Question and Answer with the Greatest Chair: Salmaan Ferrand

Question and Answer with the Greatest Chair: Salmaan Ferrand

Shalom Masango

Wall Street Journal


Q: How  does the debate in the Security Council goes?

A: “The Security Council debates each operative clauses so that they clause in on each point then be compiled as one resolution and debated as a whole.”


Q: How many resolutions were made and were approved?

A: “We are currently debating on the first of the two clauses. So far they have done 8 operative clauses and are yet to debate on 4 more. One of them, drafted by Equatorial Guinea was scrapped as it was unanimously scraped. There was one operative clause that was vetoed by France, which made the Permanent 5 members stay in the room and debate whilst the 10 non-permanent went outside.”


Q: Which country presented their operative clauses first?

A: “Equatorial Guinea was the first country to present and it has contributed the most operative clauses in reducing the threat of nuclear weapons.”


Q:What’s your opinion of the first operated clauses that were presented?

A: “They are a bit formulated and are making pressing issues that do need to be defended in the nuclear reduction. Some delegates looked at the Kashmir conflict which started in 1947 between india and Pakistan, which could spire into chaos in the present day.”


Q: Are there “enemies” in the SC who don’t see eye to eye?

A: “There haven’t been major blocks formed in the past two days. There is no permanent enemy to enemy situation. You get individual countries who have individual conflicts based on specific operative clauses.”


Q:What was the mood of the room?

A: “It’s a small room therefore l am trying to keep it as formal as possible so that people do not go out of hand.”


Q:What were the most frequently used terms or phrases used in the room,


A:“Let’s scrap this item” (in context to the operative clause being debated)

    “Does this operative clause holds water?”

Q: Did you have to pick on a particular country because they were being an amoeba and not contributing in the debate?

A: Yes, but I warned them prior to picking them. I passed a note to the delegate of Ethiopia and said:


Chair: ‘You look tired, would you like some coffee?

Delegate of Ethiopia: Aw you are so nice

Chair: If l pick on you, will l still have the same effect?’


The delegate of Kazakhstan was lost at the beginning of the debate, however picked up as she started to contribute during the debate.”


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