ZiMUN WEEKLY UPDATE: 3 Weeks to go!

ZiMUN WEEKLY UPDATE: 3 Weeks to go!

The ZiMUN 2017 committee has been working around the clock making final decisions regarding the conference. We are pleased to announce that the HIS high school newspaper, Warthogs’ World, will be running press at ZiMUN. The Warthogs’ World press team will be taking photographs and creating daily news broadcasts throughout the conference, all which will be published or linked to on the Warthogs’ World Facebook page.

With only three weeks to go, here is a partial line-up of the committees’ guest speakers:

Anna Brazier (GA3): Sustainable Agriculture / Natural resource management consultant.

Ms. Brazier is a published author on climate change providing resources for Zimbabwean planners and decision-makers. During the past couple of years she has been running workshops for young people and media professionals on climate change issues impacting Zimbabwe and southern Africa.

Gus Le Breton:

Mr. Le Breton is an economist, entrepreneur, and a forest management scientist is the CEO of Bio-Innovation Zimbabwe, an innovation hub that develops and incubates new business opportunities around underutilised indigenous plant species (Bio-Innovation Zimbabwe). He also manages a baobab company (B’Ayoba) that buys and processes baobab fruit products from rural producers.

Gladys Senderayi (HRC):

Mrs. Senderayi is a Programmes Officer at Veritas. She has been heavily involved in Veritas’ work to end child marriage in Zimbabwe, and has been instrumental in bringing it to the constitutional courts for legislation.  

Dr. Christen Monberg (ECOSOC):

Dr. Monberg, Red Cross delegate and engineer, works on the management of development projects and operation of IT infrastructure and servers in the fields of renewable power engineering.

Philippe Van Damme:

Mr. Van DAmme is the EU Ambassador in Zimbabwe. He will speak on the African Currency Union.

Ellen Connelly (Environmental Commission):

Ms. Connelly is a Conservation Zoologist who has been working with wildlife for the past 16 years, protecting Elephants, Lions & Rhinos all the way to Hedgehogs and Pangolins. Over the last 10 years she has been working with the Tikki Hywood Trust, rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife, and specializing in the highly endangered ground pangolins.

Gera Sneller (Security Council):

Ms. Sneller is the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Zimbabwe. She was involved in the establishment of the Special African Court that trailed the former dictator of Chad, Hissene Habre, in Dakar. With the Netherlands and Italy sharing a term as non-permanent Security Council members, as well as the Netherlands role in international justice with the ICC, Ms. Sneller is well placed to be speaking about the topics at this conference.

Additionally, all delegates are reminded that they are responsible for two position papers (one on each topic in their committee) and one draft resolution.


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